Thursday, December 23, 2010

T-minus 22 DAYS!!!

Well I have my blog up, and I have never done this before but here goes nothing.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and a major thing on my mind these days is SPAIN! I leave in 22 days to the Castilla Y Leon region of Spain, other than the region I have no idea where I will be located. They say we will find out the weekend we get there, which is January 15th, 2011 at 9:15am.
So many different things are going through my mind, what should I pack, how much should I pack. Where will I be located? will I have internet in my new home? will I have a family or be living on my own? Will I really make an impact on these kids lives? What will things be like here when I come back? How will this chapter in my life change me and my future?
I guess I wont really have any of these answers for a little while longer at least. I can start answering the first 2 questions after I get back from Winter Retreat in Citronelle Alabama but until then I guess I will just keep asking myself these questions.
Well that is all for now. Good night,